Professional Life

“Movements are born of critical connections rather than critical mass.” Grace Lee Boggs

As a leader I strive to be a hub in a network working for justice, equity and belonging; I connect people to each other. I facilitate collaborative planning and action. I listen attentively and communicate respect and care. I work to be prepared, organized and knowledgeable.

A group of people sitting at a table. All are smiling brightly. Jeanie sits in the middle. Four women and one man have brown skin while Jeanie and another woman have lighter peach skin tones. One woman is giving a thumbs-up sign.
Wrapping up the strategic planning summit with Community Health Worker Strength Foundation.

“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flow charts. It’s about one life influencing another.” John Maxwell

Informal lunch with leaders of the Public Health Association of Nebraska when I was in Omaha visiting my sister.
New Hampshire Public Health Association Annual Meeting
Strategic Planning with Arkansas Public Health Association. Two of us are holding name tents for participants who joined us virtually, a technique I use to help insure they are included in the conversation.
I am facilitating strategic planning with Wyoming Public Health Association. Wearing a turquoise plaid blouse, I stand in front of a screen where a Power Point slide shows the steps in drafting strategic planning objectives.

“Jeanie brought together the WPHA board in an effort of learning that hasn’t been experienced in years. Additionally, the process pulled in other leaders throughout the state to engage in public health visioning. The result of the one-day session is a tangible and achievable workplan that meets the current capacity of our organization.”

My APHA experience (highlights)

APHA Executive Board serving on several committees including Governance, Membership, Strategic Planning, Personnel, and Committee on Social Responsibility.

APHA Council of Affiliates serving as Region 1 Representative, Secretary, and Chair.

Co-author APHA’s Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion Toolkit

Mentoring Students

Strategic Planning facilitator for 24 affiliates

Members of the Wyoming Public Health Association Board stand with their backs to the camera, facing a wall with many small pieces of paper hanging on it. Each paper has written on it one idea gathered during the input stage of strategic planning preparation. While you can't read any of the papers, you can clearly see that the papers are in the process of being clustered into groups of related topics. There is one mane and 5 women in the picture.
Wyoming and Arkansas strategic planning summits. My process involves the affiliate doing some background work.
I summarize the findings of the “homework” and identify themes from each piece. The Affiliate then clusters themes to develop strategic portfolios.

Other public health experience

JEDI facilitated use of APHA’s JEDI Toolkit and equity work with Public Health Foundation, and National Board of Public Health Examiners

Strategic Planning facilitator for a CHW organization and a health foundation

Strategic Planning Summit with Foundation for Healthy North Dakota
Strategic Planning with CHW Strength Foundation

Public Health Accreditation Board site visitor; 6 teams to date

PHAB site visits now have a virtual component which I enjoy though I prefer the in-person visits to health departments.

Link to my CV