My name is Jeanie Holt. I contribute my time, talent, and treasure to building healthy communities. I created this video when I ran for President-Elect of the American Public Health Association. APHA elected another great woman but I have not changed this 2-minute video tour of my website. You can still get better acquainted with me through these pages! Come on in!

Video transcript

Welcome! Come on in.

My name is Jeanie Holt and I am passionate about life and health. I contribute my time, talent, and treasure to building healthy communities. I envision a world built on justice and on caring for each other and for our lands. Let me give you a quick tour of my website, and then you can feel free to explore at your own pace.

On the My Professional Life page I share my personal strategic map which helps me focus when I become overwhelmed with all the work needs to be done to fulfill my vision. This page also has a bio sketch summarizing my professional life.

The blog posts page is just what it says. I am not a prolific writer but since we aren’t sitting together to chat over a cup of tea, this is a space for me to share some of my thinking. I hope you will comment if something I say stimulates your thinking.

I am a candidate for President-Elect of the American Public Health Association.  The campaign page provides details of my qualifications, previous service to APHA, and the work I hope to do if elected.

My vision, mission, and work demand a grounded and energized core. On the page titled, Tending my Soul Fire, I share with you some of what keeps that core strong and healthy.

I hope you enjoy exploring my website. My aim is to inspire, bring a smile to your face, or even make you laugh. I also hope it sparks some thoughts and reactions. I’d love to hear from you—after all, conversation is the foundation of relationships, and relationships are what build community.